How Long Should a Garage Door Last?

You’re probably wondering how long your newly invested garage door would last. After all, this is an important and large purchase for your home. You need a well-functioning garage door to safely store your vehicles and outdoor equipment.

Garage door lifespans vary depending on a few different factors. Here’s what you should know about how long garage doors typically last.

Weather Conditions: How the Environment Affects Your Garage Door

Unfortunately, any humid or wet weather conditions can shorten your time with your brand-new garage door. There are steps you can take to prevent the weather from ruining the door altogether. However, without regular professional garage door maintenance, weather conditions can chop years off of your garage door’s lifespan.

Salt, snow, and ice all work to corrode the metal parts. Additionally, extremely cold temperatures can interfere with your garage door’s lubrication. If you live somewhere with harsh winter weather, a proper weather seal is essential for protecting your door.

Humidity and extreme heat can also cause damage, particularly if it’s made out of wood. These weather conditions lead to swelling. It’s important to keep your garage free from humidity and excess moisture to extend your door’s lifespan.

How Often You Open and Close Your Garage Door Matters

If you open your garage door several times a day, it’s only natural that it will wear out faster. Even with the highest-quality springs and cables, you’re still putting wear and tear each time you use it.

Fortunately, certain models are designed to withstand frequent use. As long as you maintain the door properly, you should get several decades out of it.

Average Garage Door Lifespan: Up to 30 Years

Most garage doors last between 15 and 30 years before they need to be replaced. Higher-quality garage doors can be more costly, but they should last significantly longer than cheaper ones. With frequent maintenance, you can ensure yours stays in good condition, regardless of the price.

How to Extend Your Garage Door’s Lifespan

Always monitor for any signs of corrosion, damage, and malfunctioning equipment. If you notice a problem, get professional help for it immediately to avoid causing further damage. Stop using it entirely until the problem has been resolved.

Larry Myers Garage Doors: Make Your Equipment Last Longer

We perform quality maintenance on garage doors to ensure they last as long as possible. If you ever need repairs or replacements, we’re here to help. Contact us today for more information!